CRM Extract - SOP

1. Sign in to Ramsys Central

o Open your web browser and go to Ramsys Central

o Enter your credentials and click Sign In

A screenshot of a login box????Description automatically generated


2. Navigate to Reports

o On the top right-hand side of your Ramsys Central dashboard, click on Reports

A screenshot of a computer????Description automatically generated


3. Select a CRM Extract/Listing

o On the right-hand side of your Reporting options, navigate to CRM

o From the list of options, click on the CRM Extract/Listing


3. Filter the data

o From the list of options you can filter data in several different ways and formats

o Include or exclude specific contact details based on your requirements

o Leaving any fields empty will cause the filter to be ignored (i.e. no select regions will include all regions)

o For Example, you can export a CRM listing of contacts with email addresses who joined between  1st January  and 1st September, while excluding unsubscribed contacts and those who do not want to receive print advertisements

o After customising the filters, click on "Print" at the bottom right-hand side of your CRM Extract/Listing screen


4. Specify the save format

o Click on the Save icon on the toolbar

o Select the desired format from the options


5. Save the file

o Enter the name of your extracted file and click OK

o The file will be downloaded automatically