Ramsys supports Consignment stock sales. These are sales where the stock remains the property of the supplier until sold. Once sold you will need to advise the supplier and pay the price agreed.

To review the requirements for consigment sales please look at the consignment stock page on the Stock Screen.

Date Range

Enter the Date/Time range. The report will select all sales within that range, This will default to the previous month

Uninvoiced Sales only

This will filter any item lines already invoiced.

If you wish to seklect for only certain suppliers or sales made at certain locations select these in the normal fashion.

Email Invoices to The stock supervisor

If the stock supervisor has been setup in the control file you will be able to tick this box. Ticking this will send all invoices to the Stock Supervisor rather than the consignment supplier

Email Body

This will be the text body in each email.the default text will be here. If you change this text and wish it to be the new default please tick "Set as default for all future invoice runs

Click on Load Sales

The screen will select the sales and show 2 grids as above The left side grid contains a list of all the suppliers, as you move between each supplier the grid on the right will display the line items for each supplier.

At the bottom of the screen there is a selection box. This allows you to select whether you wish to create the invoice for the selected supplier. Your select will show as 1,2,3 in the right hand column of the left hand grid.

Once you are happy Click "Send Invoices"

Select whether you wish to email and print the Summary r just print the summary

Each invoice will be emailed seperately. A summary will then be produced to screen, you may Print/Save/Email this summary.

Lastly you will be given the opportunity to update each sale with the invoice number it was registered on