Ramsys (Retail Automated Management SYStem)

A comprehensive Retail/Hospitality/Service/FMGC management system that provides advanced capabilities for recording sales, managing inventory levels, and generating statistical reports to assist store and head office management. It is designed to be scalawag and adaptable, allowing it to be used in stores of varying sizes and configurations.

For smaller stores, Ramsys can be run on a single, standard PC computer. For larger stores, Ramsys can be networked to allow up to 98 lanes per store, enabling multiple checkouts to operate simultaneously. This allows for efficient handling of high volumes of transactions and ensures that customers can complete their purchases quickly and easily.

For multi-store chains, Ramsys includes a Head Office module that consolidates data from all remote stores for centralised management reporting and stock control. This enables head office management to have a clear and accurate overview of the performance of all stores and to make informed decisions based on real-time data.

Ramsys supports a range of input methods, including keyboard, touch screen, and scanner. These can be used interactively on the same sale, providing flexibility and convenience for both staff and customers. The system is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for staff to learn and use effectively.

Ramsys Central may be run on any device, Any operating system using any HTML5 browser

Simply browse to https://ramsysho.co.nz

If you are using a mobile device to access Ramsys the application will run in Portal Mode

System Constants

Where this manual describes actual keys being pressed they will be within the brackets '<>' i.e. <Enter> means press the Enter key.

Where applicable at the top of each page is the location in blue underlined italics. This is the menu options on the main menu to find the desired function ie. Reports/Transaction Register - the transaction register is found in the reports sub-menu.

All menu options are in Italics and quotes i.e. "Daily Rankings"

Using the Keyboard

<Enter>        Pressing the Enter key accepts the value entered in a field and progresses to the next field.

<Esc>                Pressing the Escape key will abort the changes made in a screen and exit that screen.

<Tab>                Pressing the Tab key will progress to the next field in the same way as the Enter key.

<Shift Tab>        Pressing Shift and Tab together will move the cursor to the previous field (this is the opposite to <Tab>).

<F?>                Press the function key along the top of the keyboard (? Represents the function key number i.e. <F1> is the help key).

<Arrow>        The keys allow you to move the cursor around in a field and are located between the alphanumeric keys (the main part of a keyboard) and the numeric keyboard on the right.

Function locations

Some pages in this manual made be preceded by a blue, bold, italic line This will give the menu options required to access this function.


Reporting/Transaction Register