Introducing the New Attribute Tag System in Ramsys Stock

We are excited to announce a significant update to the Ramsys Stock attributes system, designed to streamline the way you manage and report on stock attributes. This change which covers both Enterprise and Premium versions is a direct response to feedback from our users and reflects our commitment to making Ramsys as efficient and user-friendly as possible.

The Old Way: Hierarchical Attribute Trees

Previously, Ramsys required users to set up a hierarchical tree of attributes. This meant you had to meticulously plan and arrange all possible attributes in a specific order, which could be cumbersome and repetitive. For instance, if you were dealing with a category like "Red Wine" with a vintage of 1998, you would have to repeat this attribute for all similar wine types. Furthermore, the hierarchical system demanded that attributes be selected in a predetermined order for accurate reporting, which could complicate data entry and analysis.

The New Way: Attribute Tags

With the introduction of the Attribute Tag system, we've eliminated the need for a hierarchy. Now, attributes function as flexible tags that can be entered in any order. This innovation offers several advantages:

  • Flexibility in Data Entry: Tags can be added in any sequence without worrying about hierarchy, simplifying the process of entering and managing stock information.
  • Improved Reporting: Our enhanced reporting filters will recognise an attribute like "Wine" regardless of its position in the tag list, making it easier to generate insightful reports.
  • On-the-Fly Attribute Addition: When entering stock, if you type an attribute that doesn't yet exist, the system will prompt you to add it immediately. This feature relieves you from the burden of maintaining a predefined list of attributes, saving time and effort.

Benefits of the New System

  • Ease of Use: Adding and selecting attributes is now faster and more intuitive, reducing the learning curve for new users and increasing efficiency for all users.
  • Reduced Redundancy: By eliminating repeated attributes across similar items, the new system reduces redundancy and streamlines data management.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: The ability to add attributes on the fly means that you can quickly adapt to changes in inventory or business needs.


The transition to Attribute Tags marks a major improvement in how stock attributes are managed within Ramsys. We believe this change will not only make the system easier to use but also empower users to generate more meaningful insights from their data. We look forward to seeing how this new system helps you optimise your inventory management. There is no Data entry required, your current attributes will be converted automatically to Attribute Tags.

As always, we value your feedback and are here to support you during this transition. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.