Returns Processing

Ramsys supports fast and secure returns processing. To perform a verified return simply load and login to the sales screen as normal.

Press <F8-Options> and select "Process Return"

The Return sale screen will popup, Enter/Scan the docket number you are returning. All items on that sale will be displayed.

Click or tap each line (if using the keyboard use the arrow keys to navigate up and down and the Space-bar to toggle the return status) Clicking a line selects that line to be returned. Clicking a selected return turns it off, 

Press <F9-Save> to process the return, you will be asked for a reason.

You will then be returned to the sales screen with the return items loaded.

This process is available in both the QuickSale and FullSale screens.

Process a Sale from another Store

The return process also conveniently accommodates returns at alternate locations. 

The primary field Location, will automatically default to your current location. Simply press "Enter" if you are returning an item locally. Otherwise, input the location code or search as usual if returning from a different location.